How to Start a successful Pig Farming Business in Nigeria

Piggery is another aspect of farming in Nigeria that is making smart investors huge money on daily basis. If you are into pig farming you are sure you will never lack money again for the rest of your life. despite having religious and tribal barrier, pig is the most lucrative livestock.

The meat is in a very high demand in Nigeria, for instance in Benue state it is used in paying dowry for marriage, it is used by catering companies for making sausages, while the fat is used for making cooking oil. There is currently a scientific research that its kidney works like that of man, so in the nearest future when the world health organization certifies the research, kidney problem will be over.

The insulin works like that of human, so it is always extracted in the manufacture of insulin capsules for the treatment of diabetes. As a result of the domestic and industrial use of pig meat, it is in a very high demand. one hardly see it in the market and meat centres.

pig reproduces in large number and grows very fast. A single pig gives birth to as much as 15 piglets at a time and all attends market size at 6months, making it one of the most reproducing and fastest growing mammal in the world.

Despite the huge profitability in pig farming many are still ignoring the enterprise for some reasons, probably because of ignorance of how it works, religious barrier, tribal barrier, its dirtiness, etc

The few people that engage into the business are either do it as a part time business or in a traditional way. If you can engage in this business fully, you are going to smile to the bank.

A fully grown pig goes as high as 50,000 depending on the weight. Assuming in a year you are able to rear hundred to maturity, you may be making 5 million from the sales.

if you can take it higher, let us say 2000 pigs in a year, you will be talking of 100 million. Imagine the kind of oil company you would have opened in your village which you have been ignoring.

Considering how fast pig produces, it will not be a difficult  task to produce 100 pigs in a year . For a start buy about 10 pigs (winners) rear them to maturity, during reproduction, each of them gives birth to a minimum of ten piglets, that means you can get 100 pigs within the year



Depending on how you plan to feed your pig , a plot of land may just be ok for a small scale starting but you can get a large farm land (from five hecters) that will be better so that your pig can graze in the open and retire to the pen where they will continue feeding and playing.

Land is your biggest investment in this business. once you have it, you are half way done. Look for land in a rural Area where you can get it cheaper, do your stuff there and transport them to the town where you will sell it. some companies and butchers will even be locating you in the interior village.

it is good to raise pigs in pasture by leaving them occasionally to root around in the fields where they can find plants to eat, and that can only be achieved when you have enough space. As they mature, you take care so that they do not wander away.


Pig pen is important if you do not want your pigs to injure themselves. A good spacious pen is also important to keep the pigs healthy and free from diseases and contamination. proper drainage is needed to avoid flooding the pen which could attract insects and other harmful pets to the farm.

To avoid your pigs getting overly dirty, you have to build a water pool where they can play, swim, as pigs like swimming and cool their body which is important to their well being.

Changing the water and refilling the pool as frequent as possible will ensure that they are clean all the time. if you are keeping them outdoor shelter should be provided for them.


To ensure healthy farm, you need to make sure the piglets you are about to start with are healthy. Buy from trusted source and make sure the ones you are buying has vaccination history.

Buy as much as you want but do not buy too many. it is advisable to start with small number and increase gradually. In this way you will be able to learn the rope and grow, incase anything go wrong at the initial stage, your risk will be minimal.


You need the services of a veterinary doctor for regular check up and vaccination as well as feeding and nutrition advice. pigs generally eat what human beings eat and do not present much worries when it comes to feed. But the service of a vet doctor is inevitable and should not be ignored.


Employ 4 to 5 persons if your pigs are up to one hundred. if you are starting on a small scale, you need lesser number of workers who will be assisting in the cleaning of the pigs and the pens, feeding them and other petty jobs.

6.       ARRANGE FOR FEEDING: Just like human being, pigs eat a wide variety of foods, anything human being can eat, pigs can eat them. Like human beings they need balanced diet such as fibre, energy, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerials to thrive. Feed takes the major chunk in livestock production.

Pigs like all animals must have constant access to clean fresh drinking water as well as tipping the trough to make a wallow, pigs will also stand in the water through and wash their dirty feaces in it, so it needs to be checked regularly, cleaned out and refilled.

galvanized troughs are robust and easy to clean, and too easy for the pigs to tip over. Automatic drinkers are available but they are not half as much fun for the pigs. put all these in place and you are as good as having started your business.

There is nothing as good as being in the business you are sure of profit. pig business is one of such business. All you need to is to feed and take care of them. Do that proper and watch them multiply in three fold.


1. Pig has the highest multiplication rate of all the ruminant animals

2. it has a short generational interval

3. Kitchen waste are converted into meat since they eat them.

4. Pig droppings are rich in nutrients, so can be recycled into livestock feed.

5. it does not need a specialist to do the business, anybody can do it.

6. It has a very high already market, you do not need to look for customers.


There are four production enterprise in pig business

1. Farrow-to-finish operation: This is when a farmer keeps a sow herd and produces his own growers for and finishing operation which he also owns.

2. Farrow only: The farmer keeps a sow herd which produces weaners, he then sells to growers and finishing operators.

3. Finishing operation: Farmers buy piglets either as weaners or growers and fatten them for the pork market.

4. Breeding: The production of breeding stock is very specialized enterprise reserved only for the experienced pig breeders and requires heavy capital investment.



The free range method involves keeping one or two per herd which are allowed to scavenge or wander freely and feed themselves.

it is the traditional way of rearing pigs in most part of Africa. it is the cheapest method of keeping pigs, no special housing is required except the one for night shelter, no special care or treatment is required.

They eat different kinds of food which they pick as they wander including kitchen waste, they also feed on waste by-products such as cassava peels, brans of cereals, fruit pulp and maize cobs etc


Loses from this method are usually high.

There is low growth rate.

There is always high piglet mortality.

Breeding is randomly made as no particular attention is paid to select pigs of desirable trait.

They are particularly vulnerable to infections with parasites from various sources.


This system of pig farming is mostly recommended for small holders and beginners.

In this method the animals are restricted to a particular area, hence feeding is supplied by the farmer. Compare to the free range system, production is much more better and more profit is made. a typical house for this method is house made with mud, bamboo and elevated gable roof, some level of competence is required. they can also be fed with kitchen waste, food by-product and so on.


This is the modern day scientific method of keeping pigs, to embark on this method one need to have acquired at least little knowledge of pig farming, he also needs to consider his economic strength.

Feeds are purchased from the market, that is prepared pig ration which include farrower feed, grower feed and finisher feeds. they are special concentrate (compound feed) specially prepared for pigs by experts.

Although one can formulate his own feed following the guideline you will meet later. there is need for great managerial skill in this method. Housing is floored , and zinc/asbestos are used for roofing. A qualified veterinarian is required for treatment and regular check-up


The minimum a sow can produce is 10 weaners per annum. The success or failure of pig management depends on the number of weaners produced and weaned per sow. the care of the sow during gestation and subsequent care of the piglets before weaning is of almost important as negligence may result in failure from getting large number of piglets from breeding sows.

Mortality in pig farming is on high side in first few weeks of existence. Therefore proper care must be taken to ensure that farrowing facilities are adequately provided to prevent loses. Diseases should also be prevented.

HEAT DETECTION – Common signs of heat

 1st stage: Early heat signs: General restlessness Vulva turns red and is swollen White mucus discharge

2nd stage: Service period signs: Real Oestrus lasts for 40 – 60 hours Vulva becomes less red and swollen Slimy mucus discharge, Tendency to mount and be mounted by others. The sow or gilt will stand still when pressure is applied to her back (can accept a man’s weight sitting on her. Thus the right stage to send her to the boar).

3rd stage: Post oestrus-period signs: The sow/gilt will not stand still when pressure is applied to her back. The swelling of the vulva disappears

When sow is in gestation

 After 21 days of serving, she does not show heat signs

 Echo scan pregnancy detection 23 – 35 days, positive results


1. Care of the in-pig-sow. About 114 days of breeding, farrowing should take place. in order to reduce the stress, sow should be move to the farrowing pen about 2 weeks before the expected date. new born piglets has less resistance to diseases, therefore, the farrowing pen should be disinfected and keep clean before the sow is brought into the pen. The sow must be washed to prevent diseases.

2. care of farrowing pen: The farrowing pen must be kept neat at all time, there are various ways of doing this

i. ensure you remove all the loose bedding material manure.

ii. soak the pen with water, this is to loosen the residual dirt.

iii. wash thoroughly and disinfect with izal solution.

iv. the floor should be allowed to dry always.


i. Farrowing is known as the most critical point in pig production. proper precaution is usually taken during this stage of production, for instance the heart of the piglet may stop breathing during birth, hence it may appear to be dead.

Quick intervention may stimulate the heart to start functioning again. during this period assistance of attendant is necessary, this is important for first litter sows and where farrowing crate are not available..

ii. the first milk produced by sow also known as the colostrums contains antibiotics. this antibiotics gives temporary protection against disease.

it can only  be absorbed by the piglet few hours after deliver. hence, everything necessary must be made to ensure  the piglets have a share of  this colostrums. weak ones are usually assisted.

iii. The four pairs of temporary tusks that appears during birth is known as needle or milk teeth. This needle tend to cause irritation to the sow during suckling. thus, cause injury. Hence, the teeth should be chipped off. This is with the careful use of the side cutting tooth nippers.

iv. One of the thing that should be prevented during farrowing is the feed intake. Feed intake of the sow should be restricted during the first few days after farrowing.

v. pigs like plenty of water, hence water should be provided at all times. The pen should also be kept clean. You have to ensure that there is a regular replacement of soiled beddings with dry fresh bedding to ensure that the sow and piglet are at ease.

vi. During birth the piglet free itself from the attachment of the sow. This should be allowed to take place naturally as most times the piglet has no difficulties in doing this. No attempt should be made to pull the umbilical cord.

The only time there may be difficulty is when there is small and weak piglets. To prevent infection through the cord, it should be dipped in solution of iodine.


Iron in pig after birth is always very small. This iron is used up rapidly as they grow. hence, the need for alternative source of iron. Iron can be supplied

i. Through oral dosage with iron tablet.

ii. By injecting it into the blood system.

iii. Rubbing the sow’s under with iron solution.

iv. Providing sterilized soil in the pen.

Milk contains a very small amount of iron, this is why alternative means becomes necessary.


Oral Iron Supplement is an iron supplement for newborns. The manufacturing of Oral Iron Supplement uses a special, chelated process that bonds the available iron, thus allowing the piglet’s system to safely absorb the iron in order to raise and maintain adequate iron levels.

The ideal method of administering Oral Iron Supplement, to the newborn piglet, is to rub the liquid iron onto the udder of sow.

When the piglets move from teat to teat they will slowly absorb the iron thus reducing the chances of any toxic reaction due to excessive amounts of iron.  

No injections are required when using Oral Iron Supplement thereby eliminating chance of toxic reaction due to iron dextran.


 It is usually necessary to trim the piglets’ teeth to prevent them biting the udder. The piglets are born with needle sharp teeth which may injure the sow’s udder and prevent the sow from letting the piglets suckle. The piglets would then be left to starve.

Only the points of the teeth should be removed. If any more is removed there is a risk of damaging the mouth. When trimming the teeth the tongue of the piglets should be rolled back to avoid injuring it.


Castration is necessary if the male piglet is not needed for future breeding. this should be done at least two weeks before weaning, this is to make ease of handling and reduce stress. castration should be done when piglets are 2 to 6 weeks old.


Should weigh at least 10kg before weaning takes place.  piglets that are heavier at birth will usually be stronger and tend to gain more weight among the litter at weaning. the weight is of great determinant when decision is to be made as of when to wean. this is because the litter size and milk production of each sow varies  

As earlier mentioned water is of great essence to the piglet during and after weaning. In most cases when there is lack of water, death will result and several of all the pigs in the litters may die.

This may be due to loss of body water (dehydration), hence enough and clean water becomes necessary to the piglets at all times.


First the sow should be separated from the weaners. This is to reduce stress on the litters at weaning. the weaners will remain at their pen while the sow is moved to another pen.

Moving the litter or mixing with other pigs should be avoided for several days following weaning.


Several factors determine the age at weaning. it is very common to wean at 8 weeks. Early weaning most of the times are practiced by some farmers, this is to increase the number of litters produced annually as it allows for earlier rebreeding. short lactation also reduce the piglets demand on the sow and amount of sow feed consumed is reduced.

The disadvantage is that it will increase the cost of starter ration and the higher level of management necessary to reduce the post weaning mortality.


Like all other animal farming, pig farming requires housing for protection against theft, diseases, predators and to enable optimal growth.

Pig housing must be built in a way that the pig are protected from climatic extreme like direct sunlight, rain etc.

It should be built in a way that it minimizes temperature variation by keeping the pig cool on hot days and warm on cold nights.

There should be proper disposal of waste. there should also be easy accessibility to food.

Among the qualities of a good pig house are:

          – Provision of specific environment for each category of pig for optimum growth and development.

          – There should be cost effectiveness in housing construction

          -The stockman should have easy movement from one place to another.

          -It should be allowed for inherent behavioral pattern of the piglet, giving no room for overcrowding.


Most pig building is built to face North-South direction. This is to avoid excessive penetration of the sun rays into the pens. The position of the pen must be in a such a way that there is free movement of the pigs and there is also natural ventilation into the pen. A slight slopping of the building is necessary to allow drainage and disposal of sewage.


The floor should be hard and concreted. it should neither be too smooth nor too rough and should be able to provide insulation against cold and damp.


Typical material that are used for pig buildings are wood, mud, bamboo stick, stone, and cement blocks.

The wall should be of strong material. This is for the control of the pigs and ensuring that they are protected from arm and theft.


They can be made from grass, straws and thatch. Roofing is for the protection against rain and sunlight. When aluminum material is being used, it should be high enough that there is room enough for air movement.


Space is very necessary for the growth and development of the pig. generally, overcrowding is dangerous in livestock management as it results to depressed performance, retard growth, quick spread of diseases, and low productivity.



The rail is made in such a way to prevent the sow from crushing the piglets. it is constructed to about 1.5 -1.7m high along sides of the farrowing pen.

WATER TROUGH/FEEDERS:  Feed and water are essential in pig house and can be incorporated into the building. it should be kept clean always, washed and disinfect at least once in a week. This will minimize infection.

FARROWING CRATES:  The farrowing crates is meant to prevent the sows from crushing the piglet. This is by preventing it from lying down quickly.

It also enable the easy handling of sows and piglets.

WEANER CAGE: The weaner cage is very necessary in the pig house. This is due to the fact that it prevents the piglet gain easy access to the sow in terms of feeding. It is made of covered solid-floor sleeping, eating and drugging areas.

PIG-HURDLES:  The hurdle helps in separating pigs from the pens. It facilitates the movement of pigs through the ban. It is made from strong wooden post of about 1.8m wide.

                             FEED AND FEEDING

Like every other living thing, pigs require food to grow and stay healthy. The nutrient requirement are classified into water, energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

WATER: Water is next to life of the pig, so it is very essential in pig breeding. There body is always hot and they always look for water to reduce this heat. Hence water should be supplied daily. Lack of water can cause a rise in body temperature of the pig and can lead to death. Water enables the pig to maintain its body temperature, they can be fed on green leaves, cucumber and carrots as such contain quantity of water.

ENERGY: Energy feed for are carbohydrate which are sourced from cereal grains (rice, maize, guinea corn, millet etc), root and tuber crops (yam, cassava, potatoes etc)

PROTEIN: This is sourced from groundnut, soya beans, cotton seed, palm kernel cake, blood meal, fish meal etc.

MINERALS: Common sources of mineral are bone meal, oyster shell, limestone etc. these are the most common sources of calcium and phosphorus in pig rations. The importance of iron in pig meal cannot be overemphasized. Sometimes iron is being injected into the piglets as in the case of weak and small piglets.

VITAMINS: Common sources of vitamins are  green leaves and vegetables. they are needed in small quantity for normal growth of the pig. They are organic compound in small amount for normal growth, reproduction and health maintenance.

vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble while vitamin B is water soluble.

                             HOW TO FEED YOUR PIG

There are two methods mostly used when feeding pigs. The full feeding and on-the-floor feeding

Full feeding is when you allow the pigs to have access to feed all the time.

While the on the floor feeding is suitable in the case when you are trying to control feeding of finishing swine.


 Dry/pregnant Sows and Gilts:  Dry sows and gilts give 2.5kg/day of sow and weaner meal. Give extra 1kg/day one week before serving gilts and sows and one week after service. Give lactating sows 2.5 kg/day of sow and weaner meal for maintenance and 0.25 kg/day extra for each piglet being suckled.                                                                                                   Boars: Give boars 2.0 kg/day. If the boar is regularly used give it 2.5 Kg.                      Piglets: Give creep pellets i.e. 0.5 – 1.00 kg/day from day 7 up to weaning time(21days) per piglet.   The feed should be mixed with sow and weaner meal the last one week before weaning                                                                                                               

Feeding of Growing and Finishing pigs: – Pigs weaned at 3 – 5 weeks of 11 – 13 kg body weight should continue being fed on the starter diet until they reach 18 kg live weight. Pigs weaned at 7 weeks or older may be switched gradually to sow and weaner diet. For growing or finishing pigs all ration changes should be made gradually. If this is not possible the feeding level of the new diet should be low until the pigs become accustomed to it.


 Those dewormers that are currently approved for use are effective and usually safe when given according to label directions. These include ivermectin (Ivomec®), fenbendazole (Safe-Guard®), levamisole (Tramisol®, Levasole®), pyrantel (Banminth®), dichlorvos (Atgard®) and piperazine.

The deworming schedule should include prebreeding for all breeding stock and prefarrowing for gilts and sows, prevention of Strongyloides and roundworms in baby pigs, and one or more dewormings in weaning and growing pigs. Specific strategic schedules should be arranged with your veterinarian.

Boars – every 6 months. Sows – 2 weeks before farrowing and after weaning.                 Piglets -1 week after weaning. Fatteners – 1 week after weaning and 3months later.

 Gilts – 1 week after weaning, 3 months and at 7months of age at least 2 weeks before service

Herbs such as moringa are considered to be antihelmintic (ability to kill intestinal worms)


Good hygienic control can reduce the risk of disease outbreak. Also good knowledge of the disease which may affect a pig herd is also necessary so the farmer can detect the state of the pig and instigate control measures as fast as possible. the most important disease in pig farming include the following:

1. PARASITES: These are organisms which live on and obtain its food from the host without contributing to it. we have internal and external parasite. the external parasite are those ones that live outside the host while internal parasite are those ones that live inside their host.

An example of internal parasite is A Saris Lumbricoides, it is a round worm which cause a lot harm to the pig and herds once it has been affected.

Mostly common among pigs in the free range, its infections leads to frugality in the piglets, weakness and loss. Other harmful ones include tape worms eg Taenia solium has the as its intermediate host.

An example of external parasites are flies, lice, termites and ticks. The external parasites cause irritation to the skin surface of the pig, this will result to wound and increase the risk of infections in the pig.


i. All effort should be made to avoid contamination of feeds and water.                                ii. The pig should be de-wormed.                                                                                                            

iii. Faces should be remove at regular intervals.


Hog cholera is  a deadly disease of the pig and it is highly contagious. The death often occurs after 7-8 days. It is spread through animal contact. That is , through secretions, faeces or other body secretions.


          a. Loss of appetite

          b. Inflammation of the eyes

          c. High body temperature

          d. Discharges in the eyes

          e. Trembling and incordination in pig


Another deadly disease is the African swine fever. The inversion of this disease causes a total dead of all the pigs.


          a. Loss of appetite

          b. Huggling of pigs together

          c. Some surplish plotches notice on the skin of the pig.  

          d. Hard breathing system on the pigs                                                                          

CONTROL: Isolate the infected pigs from the healthy ones.

SWINE INFLUENZA:  This is a kind of disease that is caused by an influenza virus. it can be highly contagious.

 SYMPTOMS: Loss of appetite, cough, jerky breathing and rise in temperature etc. CONTROL: There is no known control for now, close the farm

TRANMISSIBLE GASTROENTERITIS (TGE) :  This is another deadly disease. it can cause early death in pigs. it is characterized by acute diarrhea and vomiting.       

 CONTROL: No known treatment yet, infected pigs can be killed

ENTERIC COLIBACILLOSIS: This is mostly associated to baby pigs. it can cause rapid death, especially within the first 12 days after birth.                                          

 SYMPTOMS:  It is characterized by dehydration, high mortality rate, staggering movement and scouring.                                                                                                                      

CONTROL:  i. Administer an oral antibiotics immediately you observe it.                                             ii. Always prevent the pig from stressful condition.                                                                iii. Give pigs colastrum                                                                                                           iv. Good farm management

SALMONELLOSIS:  It is a disease of the intestinal tract caused by salmonella SPP of bacteria. it affects pigs of mostly two months old.                                               

    SYMPTOMS:   Foul smelling diarrhea, pig become gaunt, temperature rise, and sometimes death         usually occur in a group of infected pigs.   

CONTROL: i. Practice high level of sanitation   ii. Ensure that the pig is properly managed.                

  iii. Administering of antibiotics and sulpha drugs

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